
Orthodontics is concerned with the diagnosis, prevention and treatment of dental and skeletal malocclusions produced by anomalies in the position and development of the teeth and by alterations in the growth of the maxillary and mandibular bones.

Referring to an orthodontist is important because it allows you to improve chewing, breathing and the aesthetics of your smile, reducing the appearance of other annoying complications.

After an initial phase of studying individual characteristics with advanced analysis tools, it is possible to provide highly personalized therapies based on the patient's age, the problems encountered and his daily needs. Among the numerous solutions proposed, we find mobile, fixed and transparent devices: each with its own peculiarities.

There are many adults with misaligned teeth or malocclusions. In the long run, these anomalies can lead to tooth wear and jaw problems. The cause of them may be hereditary or due to a malposition formed during the eruption of the teeth at an early age.
When you are an adult the bones no longer grow, and indeed there may be a loss of the teeth or even of the bone that supports them. This can be avoided by using procedures such as brackets or elastic devices that allow the teeth to be positioned in the appropriate position.
However, sometimes these treatments are not effective and it is necessary to turn to surgery to reposition the bones, since the patient has passed the stage of growth in which one is able to intervene on them. After surgery, orthodontics can be used to stabilize the occlusion and align the teeth.

Invisible Orthodontics

Invisible orthodontics is an innovative orthodontic therapy because it allows you to realign your teeth without applying braces. The device, in fact, uses a series of transparent and removable masks (aligners), built on the patient's dental impression. The invisible device, then, uses three-dimensional computer technology that allows you to preview the results of the treatment.

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