
Many services to guarantee you a perfect smile...

Treatment Phases

Medical history, interview, first visit, work plan, treatment implementation, post-treatment

Punto di riferimento per i pazienti di ogni età

Lo studio è un importante punto di riferimento per pazienti di ogni età, dai bambini agli anziani.

Over 60: It's always nice to enjoy the pleasures of life at any age. Smile, talk and magic in total tranquility without pain or embarrassment thanks to a beautiful and healthy smile.

Adults: Having a mouth that makes you feel uncomfortable is a problem. If chewing is painful and smiling embarrasses you, the doctor will allow you to leave all this behind.

Children: to have healthy adult teeth you need to take care of them from an early age, starting from 4 years of age

Specialist in the care of phobic patients

Thousands of people in the world suffer from fear of the dentist and for this reason do not undertake dental treatments, neglecting their oral health.

For years, Dr. Maria Elena Placenza has been working to make dental care a moment of calm and relaxation.

Personal interview

Tutto il materiale acquisito attraverso il colloquio verrà valutato attentamente in modo che la Dottoressa possa presentare un piano di trattamento individualizzato per il vostro caso.

During this appointment, the limitations and advantages, times and costs of the different treatment options will be discussed.

Very often, multiple solutions can be prepared with different implications, the advantages and disadvantages of which will be explained to you in detail.

Certified Training

It is one of the cornerstones of our practice as the doctor constantly invests in clinical and scientific updating which allows us to offer high-level and cutting-edge services for the resolution of problems through painless therapy compared to conventional therapies.

Payments for all your needs

You can request to pay for the treatments through many payment solutions designed for you such as: bank transfer, credit cards, tailor-made payment solutions, Appago (allows you to make payments with a simple credit card in small monthly installments – no financing) at zero interest.

Strumenti anticrisi: permettono a tutti i pazienti di accedere ad ogni tipo di cura in piccole rate a tasso zero o agevolato grazie alle convenzioni finanziarie.


Cure dentali con le più moderne metodologie

La salute e la soddisfazione dei nostri pazienti sono la nostra priorità assoluta. Ogni trattamento è studiato su misura, considerando le esigenze specifiche di ciascun paziente. Lo studio è dotato delle più moderne tecnologie diagnostiche e terapeutiche, garantendo cure sicure ed efficaci.
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